Mark S. Sanders (Markus)

Mark S. Sanders
Photo by Media Service Studio
Visual Art Curator, Creative Committee Chair, Juror
Rusty Nail Works

Mark is a multi-media artist and sculptor who creates almost exclusively with found and reclaimed objects scavenged from the alleys of his home city of Baltimore. As an artist for 35 years, Mark has worked in nearly every aspect of creative art, including poetry, music, graphic design, script writing, acting, set building, art directing, and producing events for visual and performance art. He has won 2 Baltimore’s Best awards from the City Paper for literary publications and events, and was awarded a grant for poetry by the Maryland State Arts Council. He has hosted, organized and promoted several hundred art, spoken word and multi-media events since the early 1990s. In 2014, he turned his attention to 3-D work, and now focuses on abstract sculpture in metal, wood, concrete and glass. He goes by the name Markus for his art business.