Info for 2025 Youth Art Show

Show dates: Friday June 6th thru Sunday June 8th, 2025

Youth Art Drop-off: Deliver up to 2 pieces of art to Holt Park between 9am and 4pm from Tuesday May 27th to Tuesday June 3rd.
No art will be accepted after Tuesday June 3rd at 4pm.

Thank you for submitting your artwork for the Overlea ArtsFest Youth Art Show! This form is not required this year. You may enter up to TWO favorite pieces of artwork for the show in your age group, and simply deliver them to Holt Park in the specified time period. There is no fee for young artists to show their work.   


  • Youth artists must fill out an art tag for each piece of their artwork when they deliver their art to Holt Park.  Any art without an art tag will be DISQUALIFIED.
  • The age categories will be 6 to 11 yrs, and 12 to 17 yrs. 
  • All Youth Art Show participants will receive a small gift bag of mini art supplies. 
  • You may offer your artwork for sale if you wish, but it is not required. To sell it, write in a price on the art tag in the space provided. We will sell it for you and handle the transaction and packing for the customer. There will be a 15% commission fee added to your price and used as a donation to the Youth Art Show fund. 
  • All work will be accepted and acknowledged. We may reserve the right to cut off submissions if we receive too many to properly display. 
  • Please pick up your artwork after the show on Sunday June 8th. Any artwork remaining after Sunday June 22nd will become the property of Holt Park and Overlea ArtsFest. 

* denotes a required field

Social Media Links

(Please include all that apply)
Applicants must be at least 6 years old and no more than 17 years old by the show opening date of August 9th, 2023.
Artists aged 18 years and older as of August 9th are eligible to enter the Juried Artist Show for Overlea ArtsFest, and they can submit on the Submission Form for Juried Visual Art Exhibition page.


ONE (1) art piece per youth artist is allowed. Artwork entered must be original pieces done by a single artist.

2D art on lightweight paper must be matted or mounted on stiff cardboard backing.

There are NO restrictions on size or materials used – but anything too large to display inside must be suitable to be outdoors.

Any subject matter or style is accepted, as long as the artwork can be displayed in a family setting.

Art categories:

Your artwork can be any type or category:

  • 2D or 3D
  • Representational or Abstract
  • Drawing, painting, photography, block or screen print, collage, mixed media, sculpture, assemblage, carving, fiber art or ceramics
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Submit a good quality, hi-res image that is NO LARGER THAN 5MB in size.
The image may show matte or framing, but no background beyond that.

List the info about your artwork entry below:


Artwork Drop-off Info:

1. Artwork should be dropped off to Holt Park & Center for the Arts from Thursday August 1st thru Wednesday August 7th, between 10:00 am and 5:00 pm. Art should be given to Paola Rodriguez, Mel Tilley or Emma Orndoff. Do not leave artwork unattended without being checked in.
2. Your art piece MUST be labeled on the back (or the bottom for 3D pieces) with your name, phone number and title of the artwork.

    Artwork Pick-up Info:

    Your artwork must stay on display in the show for both days, August 9th and 10th.
    2. Artwork can be picked up between 5:00 and 6:00 pm on Saturday August 10th, or any day between Sunday August 11th and Friday September 6th, between 10:00 am and 5:00 pm. (No art pickups on Labor Day, Monday September 2nd.) DO NOT take your artwork home without being checked out by our staff first.
    3. Artwork that is not picked up by Friday September 6th will be discarded.

    Art Sales:

    You may sell your artwork if you wish. Please indicate in the artwork information above if your piece are for sale, and for how much. We will handle the sales transaction for you and charge a 15% commission fee. Please add a little to your sale price to cover this.


    1st, 2nd and 3rd place certificates will be awarded for each age group (6 total). 1st place in each age group will also receive a $50 prize. We may also award one or more Honorable Mention certificates. The decision of the judge is final.

    Photo & Video Waiver:

    The Youth Art Show will be covered and promoted by various media including photography, video and social media. Participation in the show and its activities indicates your consent to have your own and your child's image, voice and artwork recorded. The photos and videos could be used on websites, social media, broadcast media or print media, by Overlea ArtsFest, Holt Park, Baltimore County, and local TV, radio or print organizations.

    Stay informed:

    Stay connected with our social media and our website to get up-to-date event info!

We encourage you to invite your families, classmates and friends to attend the show and see your exhibited work. You will receive an electronic flyer promoting the show, which you can send out to everyone.

Thank you for entering your artwork for display in the 2024 Overlea ArtsFest Youth Art Show! If you have any questions for us, or any issues with your submission, please email us at for assistance. We will notify you by Sunday June 30th to confirm that we received your submission.

See you at the show!

The Overlea ArtsFest Board

If you checked Yes, please go to and Designate your gift as 'Paul Treadway Memorial Youth Artist Fund'. You can donate any amount you wish.