Show dates: Friday June 6th thru Sunday June 8th, 2025
Youth Art Drop-off: Deliver up to 2 pieces of art to Holt Park between 9am and 4pm from Tuesday May 27th to Tuesday June 3rd.
No art will be accepted after Tuesday June 3rd at 4pm.
Thank you for submitting your artwork for the Overlea ArtsFest Youth Art Show! This form is not required this year. You may enter up to TWO favorite pieces of artwork for the show in your age group, and simply deliver them to Holt Park in the specified time period. There is no fee for young artists to show their work.
- Youth artists must fill out an art tag for each piece of their artwork when they deliver their art to Holt Park. Any art without an art tag will be DISQUALIFIED.
- The age categories will be 6 to 11 yrs, and 12 to 17 yrs.
- All Youth Art Show participants will receive a small gift bag of mini art supplies.
- You may offer your artwork for sale if you wish, but it is not required. To sell it, write in a price on the art tag in the space provided. We will sell it for you and handle the transaction and packing for the customer. There will be a 15% commission fee added to your price and used as a donation to the Youth Art Show fund.
- All work will be accepted and acknowledged. We may reserve the right to cut off submissions if we receive too many to properly display.
- Please pick up your artwork after the show on Sunday June 8th. Any artwork remaining after Sunday June 22nd will become the property of Holt Park and Overlea ArtsFest.